TYPE: research
LOCATION:: Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk
AREA: 44,76 ha
CUSTOMER: Irkutsk city administration Committee of town-planning policy of Irkutsk city administration
STATUS: Pre-project analysis
CUSTOMER: Alexey Kozmin, Sergey Mayarenkov, Daria Kremleva

area study, urban analysis
The research of the territory was conducted in anticipation of the project development of the concept of integrated development of the central part of the city "Commercial Axis".

The objective of the work is the preparation of the package of information and analytical materials for the project development of the coordinated development of existing and prospective trade and recreational areas of the historical (central) part of Irkutsk in the specified boundaries. Development of the implementation plan (roadmap) of the project "Commercial axis of the center of Irkutsk".

1. analyze the current condition of the trade, recreation and historical and cultural zones within the specified boundaries. Identification of the main problems.
2. analysis of the transport scheme within the specified boundaries. Identification of the main problems.
3. Development of an implementation plan (road map) of the project.

Collection and analysis of the status of commercial, recreational and historical and cultural zones within the given boundaries included the following works:
1. analysis of the ownership structure
2. analysis of permitted uses versus actual uses
3. Analysis of the various urban planning burdens on the sites
4. Compliance with town planning documents
5. Actual use

Plots of land areas with discrepancy of actual functional use were detected.
Violations on land plots were detected according to 5 main categories:
unauthorized construction/reconstruction,
Unauthorized taking (use) of a land plot,
unsatisfactory condition of the land plot and capital construction objects,
use of the land plot not in accordance with the permitted use
violation of the order of carrying out of excavation works.
There were also revealed violations in relation to the project of protective zones, zones of regulation of development, economic activity and protected natural landscape of Irkutsk in 4 major categories:
  • Violation of the functional purpose of the UCN
  • Illegal reconstruction of SCIs
  • Unsatisfactory condition of OKN: destroyed, burned out, abandoned
  • Violation of the land use modes and town-planning regulations within the protection zones of the cultural heritage properties
We have conducted the analysis of town-planning documentation of the central part of Irkutsk, which revealed some discrepancies between the General Plan, the project for the planning of the central part of Irkutsk, and the Rules of Land Use and Development of Irkutsk.

In accordance with the terms of reference, the traffic and pedestrian flows in the projected area were analyzed. The calculations of the pedestrian flows at the weekend and on the working day were made. Traffic flow calculations were also made, separately for cars, trucks and public transport. Traffic counts were also made on weekends and weekdays. All counts were made with the help of observers in the period from 8.00 to 20.00 on a working day and from 9.00 to 20.00 on a day off. Major problems were identified.

In the course of work repeated negotiations were held with owners of land plots, representatives of administration and other interested persons. The projects, beneficial for the owners and creating synergetic effect for the whole project, were selected. We discussed the parameters of the development — density, number of stories, the general yield of areas, functional filling. There were held negotiations about the through passages through the blocks to ensure their permeability, to form flows of visitors. Negotiations were conducted by a development team that included architects, sociologists, and entrepreneurs. This was done in order to take into account all the positions in the negotiations, to make them versatile and convincing

As a result of this work, 3 alternative roadmaps for further implementation of the project were developed, and promising areas for further development were identified.